In our February 2024 Market Newsletter we share forecasts for the 2024 economic outlook and discuss why lower economic growth this year could translate to lower bond yields in the future.
In our January 2024 Market Newsletter we discuss difficulties that central banks may encounter in reaching target inflation rates and how certain countries may benefit from the rising geopolitical tensions between the US and China.
In our December 2023 Market Newsletter we note the potentially historic opportunities in fixed income as well as our thoughts on the future of corporate profit margins.
In our November 2023 Market Newsletter we review the positive outlook for US stocks and opportunities in the Canadian energy sector.
In our October 2023 Market Newsletter we discuss a potential bull market for bonds and how attractive yields can help offset volatility.
In our September 2023 Market Newsletter we discuss Chinese economic volatility and positive developments on US company financial outlooks.
In our August 2023 Market Newsletter we discuss economic indicators for inflation in the United States, and the opportunity in the Canadian oil and gas sector.
In our July 2023 Market Newsletter we highlight our current thoughts on Fixed Income and discuss noteworthy news regarding inflation.
In our June 2023 Market Newsletter we highlight alternative investments and discuss leading indicators for the U.S. economy.
In this special update regarding the US Debt Ceiling, we have attached an article by Brad Simpson, Chief Wealth Strategist at TD Wealth Investment Office, discussing potential scenarios and how are are responding in our portfolios.
In our May 2023 Market Newsletter we discuss the impact of declining globalization on portfolios and interest rate decisions from Central Banks.
In our April 2023 Market Newsletter we highlight the recent developments with bank liquidity crises, including Silicon Valley Bank, Credit Suisse, and First Republic Bank.
Included with our March 2023 newsletter, the 2023 Tax & Retirement Planning Guide provides lots of useful information such as registered plan limits, marginal tax rates, CPP and OAS information and CPI data.
In our March 2023 Market Newsletter we highlight recent inflation data, the current outlook for real estate, and our expectations for the upcoming economic environment.
In our inaugural Market Newsletter for February 2023 we highlight recent interest rate decisions and the impact of geopolitical uncertainty on portfolios.